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roz moreton

Roz Moreton is a Visual Artist living and working in Carmarthenshire. 

She has spent over 25 years working in the creative industries in the UK and internationally as a Creative Producer.

The last three years she has focused on her own art practice as a visual artist.

Her health issues including chronic migraines, Ehlers Danos Syndrome (EDS), and neurodiversity influence how she creates and curates her work.


Her creative work explores elements of the emotional and the physical, of the human body and its relationship with our environmental and political space. 

Her work observes, records and capture through line, textiles, imagery, and the creation of 3D objects, the human imprinting of our natural and man-made landscapes


In 2022 & 2023 her Disability Arts Cymru (DAC) ‘Silent Voices’ Emerging Artist Commission toured the major art galleries in Wales.

Her current project ‘Language of Landscape: Devolved Disabled Land Voices’, representing a disabled person’s voice & viewpoint is funded by the Arts Council of Wales Creative Steps fund.


She is an Arts Council of Wales (ACW) Arts Associate and an RSA Fellow and an active member of Disability Arts Cymru (DAC)

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